Bit Figs: Leblox Series



Bit Figs are now available in their first form thanks to Leblox, a new 3D printing app!

Orders are printed on demand and shipped from their headquarters in Paris, France. It’s been a privilege working with the Leblox team, and it’s exciting to be a part of this new movement fusing art and 3D technology.

Monochromatic plastic versions are also in the works, but Leblox presented us a unique way to debut these in their full color forms. We’ve been treading a lot of new ground with Glyos lately, and this is another experiment that we hope opens new avenues for collectors. Limited edition runs will be available soon, stayed tuned.

I’d like to send my sincere thanks to Matt for his guidance and encouragement throughout this project. Special thanks to Soy at Leblox, to Ron for helping bring these Bits to life, and to PJ for always lending a hand.

Download the app for free here.

We’ve also started a thread at Glyos Connect to share and discuss all things Bit Figs.

On the Horizon

Get ready for Bit Figs to invade!

Matt and I are thrilled to present Bit Fig Pheyden, the first character in a new line of collectible mini figures available next month. Series 1 will be produced via Leblox, an on-demand 3D printing app based in Paris. Download Leblox for free and look for Bit Figs to rollout Monday, October 5th!

In addition to the 3D prints, there will be a limited number of hand cast figures available soon. Sign up here to receive first access and release info.

This is just the beginning of the Bit Figs journey. More big things ahead for these tiny travelers…